What is ProxiTour CMS?2021-03-22T14:18:48+03:00

ProxiTour CMS is the Content Management System of the application that allows users to manage online, exhibits, routes, floor plans, location of exhibits, etc. Any addition or change made through the ProxiTour CMS is automatically available to all users of the mobile application.

While preparing – editing a new tour or setting up a new museum it is possible to set it “private” – so it will not appear to the users of the mobile application. When the tour or museum is finalized and related tasks are executed, you can set it to “public” so it will automatically appear in the targeted audience on the mobile application. To help assess how a private tour or museum will look like on the end-user, it is possible to view it on the mobile application by logging in with the admin username & password.

What is ProxiTour?2023-02-22T13:20:57+03:00

ProxiTour is an intelligent, easy-to-use, and interactive tour platform that provides personalized information to the end-users based on their location, their interests, and their age in real-time in an effective and intuitive way.

ProxiTour consists of 2 main subsystems:

 The ProxiTour CMS (Content Management System) is an online application for managing information (exhibits, routes, maps, etc.) and which is accessible at https://web.proxitour.com/.
 The mobile εφαρμογή (Android & iOS) for displaying information to visitors. You can download the application for free from the official websites (coming soon)..

To whom is ProxiTour system aimed at?2023-02-22T13:21:14+03:00

ProxiTour is a new innovative service that offers access to multimedia information based on the user’s position, profile, and interests. It consists of two subsystems, the ProxiTour mobile application, and the ProxiTour CMS web application.

The ProxiTour mobile application (Android, iOS) is aimed at every user who wants to explore the historical, cultural, tourist, and of general interest wealth of information in a specific area by selecting the most appropriate tour from those available.

The ProxiTour CMS application is the platform for managing and publishing material about the historical, cultural, tourist, artistic, and general interest information of a specific area.

The ProxiTour system is developed in a way that can cover the needs of:

 Areas of cultural and historical interest
 Art galleries
 Local governments (Municipalities, Regions, communities) for the promotion of their city or respective area of jurisdiction
 Travel agencies
 Independent users (Guides, Writers, Historians, Individuals)

Who is defined as an independent user?2023-02-22T13:21:32+03:00

The term independent user is describing any user who wants to use the ProxiTour CMS Content Management System individually and without representing any official body such as a museum, municipality, organization, etc. The independent user can create content related to an exhibit, route, space, etc., and make it available to the users of the mobile application. For any content uploaded (text, photos, sounds, etc.) the independent user shall have the appropriate copyright or have obtained official permission from the rightful owner of the material.

The ProxiTour platform aims to promote and highlight culture and tourism. The material you post should not be inaccurate, racist, sexist, or generally content that may be annoying or offensive. ProxiTour reserves the right to discard material that does not comply with the above terms and to delete it from the platform. For more information, you can go to the terms of use (link).

Why choose ProxiTour?2021-03-22T14:23:57+03:00

ProxiTour is a dynamic and innovative platform for promoting cultural heritage and tourism. It has several unique features such as:

Attractive and modern design.
Offer of personalized information to the end-user in real-time.
Ability to have different texts depending on the age of the visitor.
It is a smart, direct, and economic way of promoting the area of interest and attracting more visitors.
Ability to create your own White-Label application (with your own colors, brand, logo and contents).
Great customer support.
Option to add texts in as many languages as you want (at no extra charge).
Supports video, image, audio, and text
Online content creation. Our online ProxiTour CMS platform allows you to easily and quickly create content, from an exhibit to a complete route or an entire museum! Every addition or change you make through the ProxiTour CMS is automatically available to mobile app users.
Auto-mode capability (automatic display of information and start of audio narration depending on the position of the visitor).
Works both outdoors (GPS) and indoors (Bluetooth Beacons).

How do I obtain the ProxiTour system?2023-02-22T13:25:37+03:00

The mobile app (Android & iOS) used by visitors is free of charge and can be downloaded from the official stores (Google Play & Apple iTunes).

The ProxiTour CMS Content Management System is an online application through which you can create exhibits, routes, etc. To use the ProxiTour CMS you must purchase a monthly or annual subscription (except for the Trial version that gives you full access to all ProxiTour features for the creation and management for 30 days with a limited number of exhibits (up to 15 exhibits). The cost of the subscription depends on the number of exhibits that will be created and managed. To see the available options please visit our online store.

Can I try ProxiTour for free before making any purchase?2023-02-22T13:20:22+03:00

Yes, there is a trial version that allows you to try ProxiTour. The trial version gives you full access to all ProxiTour features for 30 days with a limited number of exhibits (up to 15 exhibits).

You can upgrade from the free version to any of the available ProxiTour subscription plans at any point and have access to more exhibits.

To create an account for the free version please click here.

What exactly do I buy when I become a ProxiTour subscriber?2023-02-22T13:26:00+03:00

With any purchase, you obtain the right to access the ProxiTour CMS, the online content management platform, as well as the right to publish your content in the mobile app (mobile app, Android & iOS) so that it is accessible to the end-users.
Unlimited support via email.
Free 2 hours of remote phone support and training with each new paid subscription.

Can I change a plan while I have already purchased and have in use another one?2021-03-22T14:28:32+03:00

Yes, it is possible to change to either a larger or a smaller payment plan at any point (based on the maximum number of exhibits allowed in each package).

Please note that if you want to go from a larger to a smaller payment plan (e.g. from the 100-item Starter package to the 50-item Basic package) you must first delete the extra exhibits.

Can I pay the annual subscription amount on a yearly basis without having to pay the monthly subscription?2021-03-22T14:28:50+03:00

Yes, the system is offered on a subscription basis. When purchasing ProxiTour you can choose either a monthly subscription or an annual one (annual subscriptions have a 10% discount).

What happens if I decide to unsubscribe from ProxiTour?2023-02-22T13:26:14+03:00

You can unsubscribe from your monthly or annual subscription whenever you wish. Unsubscribing means that you will no longer have access to ProxiTour CMS, the online content management platform, and also that your content will no longer be accessible from the mobile app.

Your content is not deleted (unless you request it from us) and if you choose to reactivate your account you will have access to it again.

Is it possible to charge the routes/tours that I have created?2023-02-22T13:26:28+03:00

Yes, this feature will soon be available on ProxiTour. You will be able to create routes that will be accessible to mobile app users only after purchase. Tour writers will be reimbursed 50% of the purchase amount.

How can I report any incorrect or offensive content?2023-02-22T13:27:17+03:00

If you find content (text, photos, etc.) that is inaccurate or offensive, you can report it through the mobile application (from the 3 dots that appear on the top right of the exhibits screen). Your report is anonymous and will be reviewed by ProxiTour managers to take the necessary actions.

Does the ProxiTour system and the services it offers comply with GDPR guidelines?2023-02-22T13:27:29+03:00

ProxiTour fully complies with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information, please visit the security policy.

What kind of tours can I create with the use of ProxiTour?2023-02-22T13:27:43+03:00

The possibilities of ProxiTour are unlimited! You can create themed routes for museums, urban and rural areas, parks, natural landscapes, even for your own neighborhood, and have as many exhibits as you want on each route (we recommend 5-15 exhibits per route).

ProxiTour aims to promote and highlight culture and tourism. The material you post should not be inaccurate, offensive, racist, sexist, or generally include content that may be annoying or offensive. In any case, you must make sure that you have the copyright for the material you post (text, photos, sounds, etc.) or that you have obtained official permission from the rightful owner of the material.

ProxiTour reserves the right to discard material that does not comply with the above terms and to delete it from the platform. For more information, you can go to the terms of use (link).

How much time does it take to create an exhibit or Tour in the Content Management System (ProxiTour CMS)?2023-02-22T13:27:59+03:00

If the relevant information about the exhibits (text, images, audio narratives, etc.) is readily available, then the process is really fast and intuitive. ProxiTour’s Content Management System (CMS) (https://web.proxitour.com/) is very simple to use and instructions and explanatory videos are available on our website.

What is the maximum number of exhibits I can use?2023-02-22T13:29:44+03:00

The maximum number is determined by the plan you have purchased. In the trial version, you can create up to 15 exhibits for 30 days. In the paid versions you can create the number of exhibits associated with your plan. Please visit our online store for more information on the available plans.

Is it possible to White Label ProxiTour?2021-03-22T14:29:44+03:00

Yes, it is possible to purchase the system as a White Label (with your own brand, logo, colors, and content). For more information, please click here.

Is there a limit to the number of tours I can create?2021-03-22T14:32:36+03:00

No, there is no limit to the number of tours you can create. The only limitation is the number of exhibits you can use (up to 15 exhibits in the Free version, more exhibits in the paid subscription plans.)

Does the system support indoor and outdoor tours?2021-03-22T14:32:53+03:00

Yes, ProxiTour supports the creation and management of exhibits and tours both indoor and outdoor. Visitor’s position is obtained with complementary technologies depending on the case (GPS for outdoor identification, Bluetooth beacons for indoors identification). QR-codes and NFC tags for showcasing associated information to a specific exhibit are also supported.

What kind of information can I have in an exhibit?2021-03-22T14:35:19+03:00

For each exhibit, you can add text, photos, audio files/narratives, and video (external links). You can also specify the location of the exhibit (either on an external map or on the floor plan of an interior).

It is worth noting that you can have texts and stories in as many languages ​​as you want as well as have different texts depending on the age of the visitor (ProxiTour supports 3 age categories: elementary, high school, and adults).

Can I have a different text in an exhibit depending on the age of the user?2021-03-22T14:35:42+03:00

Yes, this is a unique ProxiTour innovation. For each exhibit, you can have different text depending on the age of the targeted user. ProxiTour supports 3 different age categories (elementary school children, high school students, and adults) and you can add the corresponding text for each age.

Can I have text associated with a Tour or exhibit in different languages?2021-03-22T14:36:05+03:00

Yes, ProxiTour is multilingual and you can add text in as many languages ​​as you think is appropriate for your targeted audience (at no extra charge).

What kind of reports are available?2021-03-22T14:36:20+03:00

ProxiTour offers various reports to better understand the needs of your end-users. Indicatively, you will be able to see through anonymous data, how much time your end-users spent in each exhibit – point of interest, which routes were selected most often, and how they rated their overall experience, a specific route or exhibit. The company is committed to the continuous development of new reports to optimize the creation of your tours.

Does ProxiTour work offline?2021-03-22T14:36:51+03:00

Yes, the system supports the ability to download the contents of a museum or a route to your mobile phone via wi-fi to minimize data transfer over the mobile network and browse them offline.

Do you provide training for the operation of the system?2023-02-22T13:31:15+03:00

On the ProxiTour site, there are numerous training guides (manuals) and explanatory videos so you can start using the system based on your needs. In case you have a question that is not covered by the existing material you can, of course, contact us and we will respond to your needs.

Please note that with every purchase of a new paid subscription you have 2 hours of remote support and training. We also provide unlimited support via e-mail. All the above are provided on working days and hours.

Do you support the installation of the system on our premises?2021-03-22T14:37:59+03:00

The process itself is easy and there are various guides readily available on the ProxiTour.com page in the “Downloads” section that explain the process in simple steps. In most cases, this will be sufficient making our presence in your premises unnecessary. In case you face any difficulties those can be resolved through remote support.

If our on-site presence is required due to the magnitude of the project (e.g., in complex installations with Bluetooth beacons) this can also be arranged with charge per case.

Do you offer the required consumables for indoor tours, QR-Codes, NFC tags, and beacons?2021-03-22T14:38:37+03:00

Yes, these consumables are available for purchase from our online store.

What is the minimum required Android or iOS version for the mobile application to work?2021-03-22T14:39:17+03:00

The lowest version of supported Android devices is Android 4.4, and for iOS devices is iOS 8.

Is any installation required for the operation of the system?2021-03-22T14:40:07+03:00

Το ProxiTour CMS the management system of exhibits, routes, etc.) is an online cloud application and does not require any installation (it is accessible through a browser – web browser).

In outdoor tours, the visitor’s location is tracked via GPS, and the corresponding exhibit information is automatically displayed depending on the visitor’s location. Indoors you can either use QR-codes or NFC tags for users to scan and access the corresponding information of an exhibit, or alternatively install Bluetooth beacons in the area of interest to automatically detect and obtain the visitor’s location.

QR-codes, NFC’s, and Beacons can be purchased directly from our online store.

Is there a technical user manual?2021-03-22T14:40:56+03:00

Yes, there is a technical user manual, which can be downloaded from our page in the “Downloads“section.

How can I find the location (latitude and longitude) of an exhibit?2021-03-22T14:41:12+03:00

In the exhibit processing form (in the ProxiTour CMS web application) there is the option “Set exhibits on map” to precisely define the location of an exhibit by clicking on the map (or the floor plan if it is indoor).

How do I create a new ProxiTour user account as a guest?2021-03-22T14:41:27+03:00

After you have downloaded and installed the application on your mobile device, on the home page please select subscribe and follow the step-by-step subscription form.

I forgot my password, what should I do?2021-03-22T14:42:47+03:00

If you have forgotten your password then you need to follow these steps:

 On the ProxiTour CMS login screen (https://web.proxitour.com/), select “I forgot my password”.
 Enter your account email to receive a confirmation code.
 Check your email and find the confirmation code.
 Use the confirmation code to create a new password.
 Log in with the new password.

How can I contact support?2023-02-22T13:30:36+03:00

To contact the support department, please fill in the relevant contact form or send us an e-mail at support@proxitour.com. A qualified representative will contact you as soon as possible.

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