
What is ProxiTour?


ProxiTour is an intelligent, easy-to-use, and interactive tour platform that provides personalized information to the end-users based on their location, their interests, and their age in real-time in an effective and intuitive way. ProxiTour consists of 2 main subsystems:  The ProxiTour CMS (Content Management System) is an online application for managing information (exhibits, routes, maps, etc.) and which is accessible at  The mobile εφαρμογή (Android & iOS) for displaying information to visitors. You can download the application for free from the official websites (coming soon)..

What is ProxiTour?2023-02-22T13:20:57+03:00

What is ProxiTour CMS?


ProxiTour CMS is the Content Management System of the application that allows users to manage online, exhibits, routes, floor plans, location of exhibits, etc. Any addition or change made through the ProxiTour CMS is automatically available to all users of the mobile application. While preparing - editing a new tour or setting up a new museum it is possible to set it "private" – so it will not appear to the users of the mobile application. When the tour or museum is finalized and related tasks are executed, you can set it to "public" so it will automatically appear in the [...]

What is ProxiTour CMS?2021-03-22T14:18:48+03:00

To whom is ProxiTour system aimed at?


ProxiTour is a new innovative service that offers access to multimedia information based on the user's position, profile, and interests. It consists of two subsystems, the ProxiTour mobile application, and the ProxiTour CMS web application. The ProxiTour mobile application (Android, iOS) is aimed at every user who wants to explore the historical, cultural, tourist, and of general interest wealth of information in a specific area by selecting the most appropriate tour from those available. The ProxiTour CMS application is the platform for managing and publishing material about the historical, cultural, tourist, artistic, and general interest information of a specific area. The [...]

To whom is ProxiTour system aimed at?2023-02-22T13:21:14+03:00

Why choose ProxiTour?


ProxiTour is a dynamic and innovative platform for promoting cultural heritage and tourism. It has several unique features such as: Attractive and modern design. Offer of personalized information to the end-user in real-time. Ability to have different texts depending on the age of the visitor. It is a smart, direct, and economic way of promoting the area of interest and attracting more visitors. Ability to create your own White-Label application (with your own colors, brand, logo and contents). Great customer support. Option to add texts in as many languages as you want (at no extra charge). Supports video, image, audio, [...]

Why choose ProxiTour?2021-03-22T14:23:57+03:00

Who is defined as an independent user?


The term independent user is describing any user who wants to use the ProxiTour CMS Content Management System individually and without representing any official body such as a museum, municipality, organization, etc. The independent user can create content related to an exhibit, route, space, etc., and make it available to the users of the mobile application. For any content uploaded (text, photos, sounds, etc.) the independent user shall have the appropriate copyright or have obtained official permission from the rightful owner of the material. The ProxiTour platform aims to promote and highlight culture and tourism. The material you post should not [...]

Who is defined as an independent user?2023-02-22T13:21:32+03:00

How do I obtain the ProxiTour system?


The mobile app (Android & iOS) used by visitors is free of charge and can be downloaded from the official stores (Google Play & Apple iTunes). The ProxiTour CMS Content Management System is an online application through which you can create exhibits, routes, etc. To use the ProxiTour CMS you must purchase a monthly or annual subscription (except for the Trial version that gives you full access to all ProxiTour features for the creation and management for 30 days with a limited number of exhibits (up to 15 exhibits). The cost of the subscription depends on the number of exhibits [...]

How do I obtain the ProxiTour system?2023-02-22T13:25:37+03:00

Can I try ProxiTour for free before making any purchase?


Yes, there is a trial version that allows you to try ProxiTour. The trial version gives you full access to all ProxiTour features for 30 days with a limited number of exhibits (up to 15 exhibits). You can upgrade from the free version to any of the available ProxiTour subscription plans at any point and have access to more exhibits. To create an account for the free version please click here.

Can I try ProxiTour for free before making any purchase?2023-02-22T13:20:22+03:00

Can I change a plan while I have already purchased and have in use another one?


Yes, it is possible to change to either a larger or a smaller payment plan at any point (based on the maximum number of exhibits allowed in each package). Please note that if you want to go from a larger to a smaller payment plan (e.g. from the 100-item Starter package to the 50-item Basic package) you must first delete the extra exhibits.

Can I change a plan while I have already purchased and have in use another one?2021-03-22T14:28:32+03:00

What exactly do I buy when I become a ProxiTour subscriber?


With any purchase, you obtain the right to access the ProxiTour CMS, the online content management platform, as well as the right to publish your content in the mobile app (mobile app, Android & iOS) so that it is accessible to the end-users. Unlimited support via email. Free 2 hours of remote phone support and training with each new paid subscription.

What exactly do I buy when I become a ProxiTour subscriber?2023-02-22T13:26:00+03:00
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